Hello everybody !
Today I’m going to speak about a new organization whose name is HLF. It means Help For Lodging. It consists in travelling all around the world in order to help people in need or homeless people build houses and schools, and to work with them so that they can get food or water.
I have tested this way of travelling from the second of July to the second of August. I went to a little village in Guatemala (it’s useless to tell you the name, you mustn’t know it). We were a group of twenty. We built a school, consequently children were able to learn how to read and how to write. We could also have also built houses but we didn’t have enough time. We planted trees which enabled people to get food. We brought water to the population. We taught English for free. We were able to give them old clothes.
It allows you to travel even if you don’t have a lot of money because you don’t have to pay for lodging or food. You are more engaged in the practises than if you were staying in a hotel. It’s the best way to feel useful and to meet people. Even if it’s free you have to pay for the plane ticket. You may work hard but it’s for a good thing.
I recommend this organization to you because thanks to HLF the earth will be better.
Manon, Flavie, Amandine and Lisa
P.S: We were eaten by mosquitoes over there so watch out.